On any given day, people conduct more than 2.2 million searches, 90 % of it on Google. The search results that come up first for a business can make the difference between a profitable or a bankrupt company. The secret to keeping your business’ name on top in the search engines is a process called search engine optimization (SEO). Here’s a brief introduction to this practice as well as why it’s a crucial part of the digital marketing plan for any online business.
The online marketing landscape is constantly changing, research has found that most users begin their online experience with the search engine Google. Moreover, research concludes that the fist five results on a Google page get as many as 67% of the visits. Is the answer then, to be on the first page of the results or get lost on the second page of Google irrelevance? How does the magic practice of SEO, use fresh, relevant, marketing content to raise your business’s chances of coming up with a specific keyword?
Positive uses of improving SEO rankings of a website include producing, publishing, and tailoring content to be human audience friendly. That includes on-page SEO tactics such as keeping the content fresh, relevant, and tagged with proper images. The presentability and digestibility of the content makes it more likely to be picked up by Google’s algorithm. Though the exact nature of the algorithm remains hidden, there are key things online marketers can do to make the business’ content more SEO-friendly.
A common SEO practice is optimizing a website for keywords, even a preliminary keyword search can be done on Google Adwords. The rule of thumb is to use no more than five keyword or keyword phrases per page of content. Overstuffing the text with keywords has actually prompted Google to enforce the over-optimization policy which targets websites with too many keywords. An excellent SEO consultant should be able to put together an effective SEO plan for a business’ online presence.
Since, SEO is an art that meets science, entirely keyword driven, there are other ways, when executed correctly, will positively impact SEO. Practices such as link building, branding content to a site, and long-tail keywords that can be a powerful lead generation of sales for a business. The rules of SEO are constantly changing, and improving, so your page needs to be the fastest, most curated, and content driven to stand out among the 24 blogs that are published each second, according to WordPress.
SEO can get complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. For the most profitable online presence of a business, SEO tactics need to be employed to maximize the SEO friendliness of the content and website. Good and precise SEO strategies, from long-tail keywords to link-building, will ensure that the business is optimized for search. This can make a difference in the sales performance, branding, and profitability of the business.