A good website design service is all about giving you a pretty site, right? Wrong. It is much more than that. It is also about improving visitor engagement. It focuses on improving your conversion rates. It helps develop your image. It helps build your brand. It even helps you get more visitors — That’s the one we will focus on in this article…
1. Visitors From Search Engines
Most website design services are actually web development companies (at least, the very best of them). Therefore, they don’t usually focus on just one aspect of your website. They look at critical areas like positioning your site well for top rankings on search engines. Typical areas they pay attention to are the type and quality of content you have on your site. Is your target customer mostly a visual person? Then they will make sure you focus your efforts on using videos, info-graphics and creative images to pass your messages across. However, they will ensure that they do so in such a way as to bring in visitors from search engines for free.
For example, they’ll optimize your alt tags to help you get more visitors from image search. They’ll optimize your videos well (having placed them on the right sites) to rank highly in Google. This will reinforce your website’s search engine rankings and also draw in raw traffic from those third-party sites.
2. Visitors From Social Media
People spend a lot of time on the web these days. And what do they do most of the time? They hang out at their favorite social network. Can you imagine the tens of millions of people who watch videos on Youtube on a daily basis? A good website design team (I prefer to refer to them as web development team) will ensure you attract visitors from such sites. They’ll ensure you use your videos creatively on sites like Facebook (helping you attract even more visitors).
How about sites like Pinterest? A business that has a strong focus on visuals can get massive traffic from a site like Pinterest. That’s apart from the fact that they will be building their brand on that site itself. A good web design team makes it very easy for people to share your good stuff on the different social networks — That is the whole point is effective design. And you know what? The easier it is for people to share your stuff the more they will.
3. Visitors From Galleries
People love well-designed sites and there are websites that are devoted solely to showcasing the very best. If you’ve used the right company then you won’t have a problem being listed in some of these galleries. This will drive some visitors to your site.
In Conclusion…
You can see that hiring a professional website design service is much more than giving you a pretty face. It is also about giving you the things you need to run a more profitable business.