Small business marketing isn’t possible without content development. However, you have to determine what type of content you want to develop. There are two main categories: Content that sells and content that pre-sells. This article will walk you through the things you need to bear in mind when developing content that sells (We will deal with content that presells in another article).
To start with, what is content that sells? It refers content that is focused on making a visitor deliver a particular response. It could be signing up for a free offer; it could be buying a high ticket item. The point here is that the video, audio, article or image is meant to convince the visitor to take a particular action. In other words, such content can be seen as your sales person.
It’s very easy for you to develop great content that sells if you look at it as your salesperson. So what should a salesperson do or what do great salespeople do?
1. They Show The Benefits
Your prospect isn’t interested in the fact that your product has a thousand great features. They are interested in what they stand to gain by using it. In other words, what’s in it for them? A good sales person looks at the benefits each feature delivers to the user and brings those to the forefront. They show the prospect how their lives would be easier, richer and more fulfilled with this product.
Take Away: Great content that sells must focus on benefits NOT on features.
2. They Answer Their Questions
People have a lot of questions they need answers to. A good salesperson makes sure each of his or her prospect’s questions are answered satisfactorily. NOT taking the time to give the prospect a satisfactory answer will leave doubt in their mind. And if they are NOT yet sure, they won’t deliver your most wanted response.
Therefore, make sure you make an exhaustive list of all the questions you’ve encountered with respect to your product or service and have them answered in your sales copy. That’s one way to increase your conversions.
3. They Allay Their Fears
Have you ever bought a product that didn’t live up to its billing? Everyone has made this mistake at one point or the other. And you know what? Those negative thoughts crop up each time we are confronted with a purchase decision: Will this product live up to its billing? Am I about to make a wise purchase or am I going to regret this?
A wise sales person ensures that those fears are dealt with. Testimonials from satisfied customers will help you deal with such fears. So will a money-back guarantee. The whole point here is to convince them that their fears, though real, are unjustified in your case.
4. They Get The Sale
Great sales people are NOT there to entertain you. Yes, they try to come across as friendly as possible. They try to make you happy — they might even make you laugh. But that’s NOT what they are after. They are focused on making the sale. So after all the pleasantries and jokes, they’ll eventually ask you to buy.
Important Note: Good salespeople know how to get the sale. Content that sells should tell people to buy. If it doesn’t then it has failed in its primary objective. The truth is that you have to tread a very fine line: Come across as being too aggressive and you lose the prospect. Come across as being vague and you also lose the prospect. Copywriting is usually the last skill a writer acquires. It’s definitely NOT something you’ll be able to leave your business to study. So get a top web development company and you can rest easy that they’ll take care of this for you.