You can’t rank in the top three positions for any competitive keyword or phrase without links (quality links). But how do you get those quality links? You’ll have to build them. And while there are many ways to do this effectively, content syndication ranks among the very best methods. Here are tips to help you do it effectively:
1. Repurpose Your Content
Have you just written a great article? Why NOT get much more from it by making a great video out of it. Then make a slide. Make a podcast. Create a PDF file (Sky-write it if possible — Just kidding). The point is: Make sure you repurpose your content in as many formats as possible.
Once you’ve got everything down in as many formats as possible, spread them far and near. Put them on video sharing sites. Place them on slide, PDF and podcast sites. Make sure you don’t pass by any opportunity to reach a new audience. Apart from getting you new links, you will attract new visitors.
2. Reach Out To Other Webmasters
There’s something every webmaster needs — It’s great content. Do you have the ability to create such? Then reach out to them. They’ll be glad to have a great video, article, slide show or podcast on their site. The bigger their audience is, the better for you.
You gain a lot of things by going this route: First and foremost, you gain that all-important link from another webmaster. But in addition, you get a part of their audience (That’s a fancy word for more visitors). If they are an authority in your niche, some of their pre-eminence rubs off on you. After all, it only takes an expert to be featured on an authority’s blog or website. And this is just scratching the surface. This can spawn a number of useful relationships for you. For example, people in such a webmaster’s inner circle might want to have a bit of you too. That’s even more visibility and links for you.
3. Take Advantage Of Social Media
Tweet about your posts. Deliver top quality content on your Facebook page and have a link back to your site. Yes, it counts too. Do you have accounts on Blogger and WordPress (among a host of others)? Then use them to your advantage. Yes, you should NOT post garbage. But also make sure you leverage those properties and get both links and traffic back to your site.
4. Don’t Forget The Good Old Article Directory
While many people would like to dismiss article marketing as ineffective, it still adds something to your link profile. Therefore, it should NOT be ignored. Yes, it wouldn’t be smart for you to focus on a gazillion article directories (those days are over). However, you’ll still get positive effects if you use the top ten article directories well.
If all these sound like hard work, they are. And unless your business is internet marketing, you are quite better off hiring professionals to do all these for you. They bring in the results for you while you focus on what you do best — Your Business.